Ahhh you're here! Nice to see you and hope you have fun while you're here.

As you may know, this page belongs to an artist incognito. She is very illusive and goes by many names: Sasha, Empressina Alexandrina, Alishandra, Alexa, Alexie, Alexas from Texas, and you know all those other nick names.

I cannot tell you where she is right this minute or which name she is using, but here is the latest on what we have found! :0)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mi amigo - la guitarra

I'm up to all kinds of things these days, but one of my favorites is to play the guitar. It's been a while since I've had one to play and I'm going through the numb fingering stages and getting all caloused (however you spell it) up. I also love the short stubby nails on my left hand and the long nails on the right so I can use them as picks. :0)

For those of you who don't know, this is the new and best way to play guitar. Take my word for it. I've been developing this new way for some time now (about 10-15 minutes) and I think it will be a hit. I'll have it on a how-to DVD coming to an un-store near you.

O.K. so I'm secretly a wannabee cellist, but I just haven't gotten around to actually getting one yet. This guitar will have to do until I make it big!

Nothing like music to make your day.

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