Ahhh you're here! Nice to see you and hope you have fun while you're here.

As you may know, this page belongs to an artist incognito. She is very illusive and goes by many names: Sasha, Empressina Alexandrina, Alishandra, Alexa, Alexie, Alexas from Texas, and you know all those other nick names.

I cannot tell you where she is right this minute or which name she is using, but here is the latest on what we have found! :0)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

So 2 things.... One is that I'm a real teacher now. Yep, that's right, I'm certified and teaching art to 7-8th graders. No one died in the first week so I think I'll just keep going with that.

The other is I just had a great time up at the Heber Girl's Camp with the whole family (minus Ashley and Mike). No pictures yet, but I hope to have some soon! I loved the walk across the high beam and then the zip line. My legs were shaking just trying to walk across. Then I bravely jumped off the end onto the zip line and screamed my head off. It was beautiful!